About us

Talita Asia, a non-government organization was established in Ulaanbaatar on September 1st, 2013 with support from Talita in Sweden. Talita Asia is a non-profit organization, with the aim to prevent girls, boys, and women, from being exploited for prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes and as well as to protect them by providing them with long-term help and support.

We operate Villa Talita Asia, a home and shelter for the target group, and Talita Asia Center, a safe place to meet with girls, boys, and women who do have a place to stay but want to leave prostitution and find new ways of living.

We offer trauma therapy, psycho-education, planning for the future; various practical help to transition to independent living.

Mission: For everyone who seeks help and support from Talita Asia, the opportunity for inner healing and changed life is offered.

Listen to these stories

We have met with and helped several women to exit prostitution and through our safe house and rehabilitation they have entered a new life.


There was nothing easy in the life of Sarnai. It can be said that her life was like hell having a careless mother and an aggressive stepfather…


A woman named Gerel, who had been lured to Malaysia by the two sisters’ false promise of a high-paying housekeeper job, having no money …


In September 2021, on the way back home from UB to Nalaikh district, she had no money or cell phone to call someone for help…

Client Testimonials

Dont’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

“I can’t imagine what I would be doing without meeting you. Although things are not simple, it feels as though all the problems were solved with the thought of having someone who supports me and understands me. When I was almost freezing to death, lying in bed without electricity, I knew you would come straight to me if I called you, and it tore my eyes.”


Woman from Exit-program

“I have never seen the city from Zaisan Hill. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, specifically for me. Here I have witnessed many beautiful things that I have never seen in my life before. Sometimes I don’t believe myself for being here. I don’t want to tell you when I’m sick, because when you’re doing so much for me, I don’t feel like burdening you anymore”.


Woman from Exit-program

“Thank you so much for psycho-education. I had an unbelievable moment with my inner child. I never experienced this feeling before, now I know that my inner child is living peacefully. She is so proud of me”


Woman from Exit-program

Our Team

These are our wonderful staff at Talita Asia, all of them have skills that are vital for our work and the success of our mission.

Ms. Tserenchunt


Founder, a therapist, and a social worker with years of experience in a shelter for women in Sweden. 

Ms. Zoloo

Social worker

and a child protection officer, with previous experiences working at the State Family, Children, and Youth Development Agency (FCYDA), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Mr. Buyantogtok

Social worker

and a child protection officer, with previous experiences working at the State Family, Children, and Youth Development Agency (FCYDA), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Ms. Soyol-Erdene

Social worker

and a child protection officer, with previous experiences working at the State Family, Children, and Youth Development Agency (FCYDA), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.